Very good. Easily soluble. Good taste. I will buy again
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Sehr gut.
Leicht löslich.
Gut im Geschmack. Kaufe ich wieder
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Verified Purchase
Roman 9 months ago
Extremely Good
It can be easily mixed with cold water if you want to drink it or mix it with protein. They don't puff up like when I ground oatmeal in a mixer, that was a disaster
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Kludne sa da zmiesat aj so studenou vodou ak to chcete piť alebo si to zamixovat s proteinom . Nenafukuju ako ked som si ovsene vlocky mlel v mixeri , to bola katastrofa
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Verified Purchase
Hanno-Erdmann 11 months ago
Extremely Good
Solid and tasty, and not too expensive. The powder, when used in moderation, contributes to a healthy diet.
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Solide und geschmacklich gut, außerdem nicht zu teuer. Das Pulver trägt, wenn es dosiert verwendet wird, zu einer gesunden Ernährung bei.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Chocolate smooth
Marek A year ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Chocolate smooth
Hana A year ago
Extremely Good
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Verified Purchase
Andre A year ago
Extremely Good
Very good!
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Sehr gut!
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Verified Purchase
Matúš A year ago
Extremely Good
finely ground flakes, they are excellent for baking snacks and desserts, they combine well with other ingredients.
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jemne mleté vločky, výborne sa s nimi pracuje v rámci pečenia snackov a dezertov, dobre sa spája s ostatnými surovinami.