It is more suitable for those who do not like standard proteins. This one is more like a lemonade iced tea.
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Vyhovuje skor tomu, kto nema uplne rad standardne proteiny. Tento pripomina skor nejaku limonadu ladovy caj.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Peach tea
Diana 10 months ago
Extremely Good
Simply great, refreshing and delicious
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Einfach super, erfrischend und lecker
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Richard 10 months ago
Extremely Good
I use it regularly, it's great if you don't want to drink classic protein, you'll get that juice taste
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pouzivam pravidelne, super ked nechces pit klasicky proteina skorej si das taku dzusovu chut
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Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Tatiana 10 months ago
Extremely Good
The solubility in the shaker is good, even if it foams, after a few minutes the foam disappears. I personally like the mojito flavor very well, I drink it with lemon and ice:) and I don't feel like I'm drinking protein at all:) so maximum satisfaction. I will order again, it will be more than ideal for the summer :)
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Rozpustnostť v šejkri dobrá,aj keď pení,po pár minútach pena zmizne. Mne osobne príchuť mojito veľmi sedí,dávam si ho s citrónom a ľadom:) a vôbec nemám pocit,že pijem proteín:) takže maximálna spokojnosť.
Objednavať budem opakovane,na leto to bude viac ako ideál:)