Petra  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Excellent in taste, I feel that in that short time msm firmer nails and hair
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Chuťovo vynikajúci, mám pocit že za tú krátku chvílu msm pevnejšie nechty a vlasy
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Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Raspberry-wild strawberry
Alexandra  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Raspberry-wild strawberry
Katarína  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Collagen is great for me in terms of price - quality. The taste is fresh, I also add a few ice cubes. The solubility is good, just mix it with a spoon and you don't have to mix it in a shaker, it doesn't foam. Unlike other collagens, it does not contain any extra vitamins but has served its purpose. The hair grows wild, the nails are firm and long. I have problematic skin, although it has improved a bit during use.
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Kolagén je za mňa super v pomere cena - kvalita. Príchuť je svieža, ja si pridávam aj pár kociek ľadu. Rozpustnosť je dobrá, stačí ho rozmiešať lyžičkou a nemusíte ho mešiať v šejkri, nepení. Oproti iným kolagénom neobsahuje žiadne vitamíny navyše ale účel splnil. Vlasy rastú ako divé, nechty sú pevné a dlhé. Ja mám problematickú pleť aj keď počas užívania sa trošku zlepšila.
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Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Mango-passionfruit
Monika  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Without your products, I can no longer imagine the day 😉👍
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Bez vašich výrobkov si už neviem predstaviť deň 😉👍
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Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Raspberry-wild strawberry
Nikoleta  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Raspberry-wild strawberry