I find caffé latte quite sweet, otherwise great.
I love chocolate and everything lactose-free, non-foaming, excellent in water and milk. I order repeatedly.
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caffé latte mi príde dosť sladká, Inak super .
čokoládu milujem a všetko bezlaktózové, nepení, výborné vo vode aj v mlieku. Objednávam opakovane.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Caffé latte
Adrian A year ago
Extremely Good
Good taste, quality product, nothing to add
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Dobra prichut kvalitny produkt neni co dodat
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Soňa A year ago
Extremely Good
Very good solubility, taste
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Velmi dobra rozpustnost, prichut
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Greta A year ago
Very Good
I don't know the cafe latte flavor, which is why it deserved a 5* rating from most people. It tastes like cheap artificial coffee in a tetrapack. I appreciate that it's not too sweet, but I'm glad that I only have a sample and not a big package. You can't drink this every day after training
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Príchuť cafe late si neviem vďaka čomu u väčšiny zaslúžila 5* hodnotenie. Chuti to ako lacná umelá káva v tetrapaku. Cením že to nie je presladene ale som rada že mám len vzorku a nie veľké balenie. Toto sa nedá piť každý deň po tréningu
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Verified Purchase
2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5
Caffé latte
Aleš A year ago
Extremely Good
I am satisfied with this product in the long term. I've tried a number of flavors and they've all been great
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Jsem s tímto produktem spokojen dlouhodobé . Vyzkoušel jsem již řadu příchutí a všechny byly výborné
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Black biscuit
Erika A year ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
White chocolate
Greta A year ago
Very Good
The black cookie ("oreo") flavor would taste okay if it didn't have pieces of cookie in it. This discouraged me from buying this flavor again, I positively evaluate the solubility and it is not too sweet. But those pieces of something supposed to be a cookie are a no-go for me
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Príchuť čierna sušienka (“oreo”) by bola chutovo okej kebyže v tom nie sú kúsky sušienky. Mňa toto maximálne odradilo od opakovanej kúpy tejto prichute, pozitívne hodnotím rozpustnosť a nie je presladený. Ale tie kúsky niečoho čo ma byť sušienka sú za mňa no-go