"Fat" acts as a kick that results in suppressing the feeling of fatigue and adding a surge of energy. Suitable for use before cardio activities but also before strength training. One is full of energy and literally doesn't know when I'm tired. The disadvantage is (at least for our big ones) excessive sweating and when the effects disappear, there will be double muscle :)
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"Fat" pôsobí ako nakopávka ktorá ma za následok potlačiť pocit únavy a dodať nával energie. Vhodné užívať pred kardio aktivitami ale aj pred silovým tréningom. Človek je plný energie a doslova nevie kedy ma dosť. Nevýhoda je (aspoň u nás veľkých) nadmerné potenie a keď účinky pominú tak bude dvojnásobná svalovica :)
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Verified Purchase
Paulina 4 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Martin 4 years ago
Extremely Good
It's great nam I'm starting to see results 😎
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Super to je 🙂 začínam vidieť výsledky 😎
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Verified Purchase
Michael 4 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Filip 5 years ago
Personally, this burner / pre-workout absolutely doesn't work for me ... I don't recommend it for your guys.
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Mne osobne tento spalovac/predtreningovka absolutne nezabera...pre vacsich chlapov neodporucam.