Nice day, I used to take Mg in capsules 3 times a day, now one 7.5 ml dose, 2.5 dl of water is enough once a day. The measuring cup is 5 ml - one whole + half must be taken. A 7.5 would be more comfortable. ml measuring cup. I helped myself, that from plastic inj. I cut off 7.5 ml from the syringe and attached part of the plastic spoon handle to the modified syringe👍It works!👌 Regards, L. Horváth
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Príjemný deň, predtým som užíval Mg v kapsulách 3x denne, teraz jedna 7,5 ml dávka, 2,5 dl vody stačí raz denne. Odmerka je 5 ml - jedna celá + pol treba odobrať. Bolo by pohodlnejšia jedna 7,5. ml odmerka. Ja som si pomohol, že z plastovej inj. striekačky som odrezal 7,5 ml a časť z rúčky plastovej lyžičky som k upravenej striekačke pripevnil👍Funguje!👌
S pozdravom L. Horváth
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Richard 6 months ago
Extremely Good
the best magnesium in the game, you can drink it even with water before going to bed
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najlepsie magnezko v hre, da sa pit aj len tak s vodou pred spanim
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Mária 6 months ago
Extremely Good
Excellent taste, excellent solubility, I recommend trying it 😊
Not much flavor for me, some ingredient bothers me. But another person liked it, so quite subjective. But for sure, if it was for good money again (with a discount), I would buy again. I don't need to have it as an evening drink with the TV.
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Pro mě příchuť nic moc, nějaká složka mi na tom vadí. Ale jiné osobě zase chutnal, takže dost subjektivní.
Ale určitě, když by byl zase za dobré peníze (se slevou), tak bych koupil znovu. Nepotřebuji to mít jako večerní popíjení k televizi.