Very decent pre-training, great price, one scoop is enough for me for regular training, I'll take two when I really need a kick.
I recommend!
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Veľmi slušná predtréningová, super cena, stačí mi aj jedna naberačka na bežný tréning, dve si dám keď fakt potrebujem nakopnúť.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Milan 10 months ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Roland 10 months ago
Extremely Good
Considering my previous experience with US kickers, I did not have high expectations from this product.. But I am very pleasantly surprised. Energy, focus, tingling, really a very good product for a great price. Flavor and solubility also very good. I can only recommend and I do recommend 😉
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Vzhľadom na moje predošlé skúsenosti s US nakopavačmi som od tohoto produktu nemal veľké očakávania.. A však som veľmi milo prekvapený. Energia, focus, mravčanie, naozaj veľmi dobrý produkt za skvelú cenu. Príchuť a rozpustnosť rovnako veľmi dobrá. Môžem iba odporúčať a aj odporúčam 😉
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Philip 10 months ago
Extremely Good
For the Price and what the product does and the blueberry flavour 5 stars !!
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Milan 10 months ago
Very Good
TOP price/quality ratio!
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Pomer cena/kvalita TOP!
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Verified Purchase
Matúš 10 months ago
Extremely Good
Super pre-workout, I tried C4, N1, Citruline, etc., but boost has a decent price-performance ratio, minimal tingling, decent onset of effect and the effect lasts constantly throughout the training.
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Super predtreningovka, skúšal som C4, N1, Citruline atď, ale boost má slušný pomer ceny a výkonu, mravčenie minimálne, slušný nástup účinku a účinok trvá konštantne počas celého tréningu.