over the weekend I will treat myself to a reward and nothing is better than this pudding .. after training a sweet treat that satisfies, the taste is creamy, not sweet
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cez víkend si doprajem odmenu a nič nie je lepšie ako tento puding .. po tréningu sladká maškrta ktorá zasýti, chuť je krémová, nie sladká
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Panna cotta
Lada 4 years ago
Extremely Good
Great taste.
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Skvělá chuť.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Panna cotta
Diana 5 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Panna cotta
Ján Valašík 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Pleasant end to the day -Dinner as the last meal of the day is a good alternative
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Prijemne ukončenie dňa -Večera ako posledné jedlo dňa je dobrou alternatívou
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Double chocolate
Veronika 5 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5
Double chocolate
Veronika 5 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5
Panna cotta
Ján Valašík 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Night protein is just a pity that calcium caseinate and not miclearny casein Excellent taste density
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Nočný proteín len škoda že kazeinat vápenatý a nie miclearny kazein Výborná chuť hustota