excellent protein, light taste the only protein that I do not like after a week, I observe a greater increase in strength, but it depends on the type of training.
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výborný proteín, ľahká chuť jediný proteín ktorý sa mi po týždni neznechutí, na sebe pozorujem väčší nárast sily ale to skôr závisí na druhu tréningu.
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5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Miroslav 6 years ago
Very Good
except for the solubility of the super taste, I highly recommend not to try it, but to mix it, otherwise it will result in whipped whites :-D
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az na tu rozpustnost super chuti vyborne akrat odporucam neshakeovat ale rozmiešat inak z toho vzniknu šlahane bielka :-D
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5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Zita 6 years ago
Very Good
Protein tastes great, I mix it with coconut milk, the only thing that bothers me is poor solubility.
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Protein chutná výborně,míchám si ho s kokosovým mlékem,jediné co mi vadí je špatná rozpustnost.
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5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Michal 8 years ago
Very Good
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4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Lukáš 9 years ago
Very Good
Quite good solubility if you let the shaker stand.
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Celkom dobrá rozpustnosť ak necháte odstáť shaker.