Very affordable and at the same time a very nice design
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Sehr günstig und zugleich ein sehr schönes Design
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Verified Purchase
Sandra 10 months ago
Extremely Good
Good quality
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Gute Qualität
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Verified Purchase
Jakub 10 months ago
Extremely Good
A great shaker at a great price
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Parádny šejker, za super cenu
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Verified Purchase
Kei Blessing 11 months ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Viliam A year ago
Extremely Good
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Verified Purchase
Josef A year ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Peter A year ago
Very Good
Great shaker, perfect size and design. I had no problem mixing a protein shake in it. I only mind a small thing, it should have been more transparent plastic (the body of the shaker itself), as the exact amount of water or milk on the scale cannot be seen very well and you have to look at it only against the light.
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Skvelý shaker, perfektná veľkosť aj prevedenie. Nemal som žiadny problém rozmiešať v ňom proteínový nápoj. Vadí mi len drobnosť, mal byť viac priehľadný plast (samotné telo shakera), nakoľko dobre nevidno presné množstvo vody, či mlieka na mierke a je treba to pozerať len proti svetlu.