Miroslav  8 years ago
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richard  8 years ago
Extremely Good
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Radomír  8 years ago
I am 65 years old. I use tribulus regularly - one a day. I think that thanks to the content of phytosteroids, it also helps me in an active intimate life.
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Mám 65 rokov. Tribulus užívam pravidelne - jeden denne. Myslím, že vďaka obsahu fytosteroidov, mi napomáha tiež v aktívnom intímnom živote.
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Petr  8 years ago
Very Good
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Peter  8 years ago
Very Good
I am satisfied with this product, after a few days I felt much better regeneration, the muscles do not hurt so much after training. I also feel a slight increase in strength.
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S týmto produktom som spokojný, po pár dňoch som pocítil oveľa lepšiu regenráciu, svaly po tréningu tak nebolia. Cítim aj mierny nárast sily.
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Miroslav  8 years ago
Very Good
Overall, a better and more energetic feeling of the whole body
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Celkovo lepší a energetickejší pocit celého tela
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Martin  8 years ago
Very Good
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Dominika  8 years ago
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Michal  8 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
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