it fits well that you get something tasty after exercise ...
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dobre padne ze si das nieco chutne po cviceni...
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Double rich chocolate
Valiantsin 3 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Double rich chocolate
Michal 3 years ago
Extremely Good
The taste is a little sweeter than I would like, but I am not buying protein as a gastronomic specialty, but as a supplement to my diet.
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Prichut trosku sladsia ako by mi bolo po chuti, avsak nekupujem protein ako gastronomicku specialitu, ale ako doplnok k strave pricviceni.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Vanilla ice cream
Juraj 3 years ago
Extremely Good
Super taste, whether with water or milk. Great consistency, soft, smooth drink, minimal foaming. Compared to the strawberry broth (which is even better), even small lumps remain here, even after proper re-beating, but that's fine. Overall great, I definitely recommend ...
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Super chuť, či už s vodou alebo s mliekom. Skvelá konzistencia, jemný, hladký drink, minimálna penivosť. V porovnaní s jahodovým bráchom (ten je ešte lepší), tu aj po riadnom prešejkovaní ostávajú drobné hrudky, ale to je v pohode. Celkovo super, určite odporúčam...