Those twists are terrible.
I always close it to 10x.
The bottle changes color according to the contents of the sink.
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Tie zavity su strasne.
Vzdy to zatvaram na 10x.
Flasa meni farbu podla obsahu co je v umyvacke.
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Verified Purchase
Dries 2 years ago
I still haven't received my package. When will I?
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Ondrej 2 years ago
Extremely Good
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Roman 2 years ago
Extremely Good
not flowing
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Verified Purchase
Magdaléna 2 years ago
Extremely Good
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Bohdan 2 years ago
Very Good
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Andrea 2 years ago
Very Good
You need to be careful about screwing the lid, then there is no 😎 satisfaction
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Treba si dávať pozor na šrobovanie vrchnáku, potom netečie 😎 inak spokojnosť
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Verified Purchase
Peter 3 years ago
Extremely Good
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Róbert 3 years ago
Extremely Good
They are OK as they see the scale. For those color opaque, the scale is basically unusable, so one must have a good estimate "from the eye".
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Priehľadné sú OK, keďže vidieť mierku. Pri tých farebných nepriehľadných je v podstate mierka nepoužiteľná, takže človek musí mať dobrý odhad "od oka".