It is used by my mother during normal housework and the result is visible.
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Používa to mama pri bežných domácich prácach a výsledok je viditeľný.
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Verified Purchase
Peter 5 years ago
Very Good
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Petr 5 years ago
Extremely Good
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Róbert 5 years ago
Very Good
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Zuzana 5 years ago
Extremely Good
At higher doses and if taken 1 hour before meals, it will start working after about a week of regular use. Great!
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Pri vyšších dávkach a pri dodržaní užívaní 1 hodinu pred jedlom začne fungovať cca po týždni pravidelného užívania. Skvelé!
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Verified Purchase
Zuzana 5 years ago
Extremely Good
works, but swallows badly - large non-slip tablets
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funguje, ale zle sa prehĺta - veľké nešmykľavé tablety
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Verified Purchase
Mirka 6 years ago
Extremely Good
I am satisfied with the product, it works and changes are beginning to be seen. I recommend!
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S produktom som spokojná, funguje a začína byť vidno zmeny. Odporúčam !
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Verified Purchase
Katarína 6 years ago
Extremely Good
I was looking for a caffeine-free combustion because I'm sensitive to it, and great. 1.5 kg down in 2 weeks. So far, I take 1 pill a day, and another before exercise, and I'm satisfied.
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Hľadala som spaľovacím ktorý neobsahuje kofeín keďže som naňho citlivá, a super. Za 2 týždne 1,5kg dole. Zatiaľ beriem 1 tabletku denne, a ďalšiu pred cvičením, a som spokojná.
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Verified Purchase
Zuzana 6 years ago
Very Good
It works, but you need to increase the dose to 3 tablets! :-)
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Funguje, ale je potrebné zvýšiť dávky na 3 tbl! :-)