I give 4 capsules in the morning and 3 in the afternoon, I don't feel any effects. Although I am poor, I follow a diet, so it's hard to say how the incinerator contributes
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Rano davam 4 kapsule a poobede 3, nijake ucinky necitim. Sice chudnem, ale dodrziavam dietu, takze tazko povedat, ako tomu prispieva spalovac
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Verified Purchase
Renata 7 years ago
Not Bad
Verified Purchase
Peter 7 years ago
Not Bad
After the first use, an immediate increase in energy and heat made me feel like I was flying away. However, nothing happened the next day and I didn't even feel like I was enjoying anything. I expected much more from that
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Po prvom použití okamžitý nárast energie a tepla mal som pocit, že uletím. Na druhý deň sa však nič nestalo a ja som ani necítil, že niečo užívam. Čakal som od toho omnoho viac