Super excellent solubility, really just stir with a spoon and it's done. Easy and fast preparation (tested with water), no shakers and similar vulgarities. Peach flavor is not pure peach but with yogurt and I hate yogurt - therefore low flavor rating. It might suit others.
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Super vynikajúca rozpustnosť, naozaj stačí zamiešať lyžičkou a je hotovo. Jednoduchá a rýchla príprava (skúšané s vodou), žiadne šejkre a podobné sprostosti. Broskyňová príchuť nie je čistá broskyňa ale s jogurtom a ja jogurt neznášam - preto nízke hodnotenie príchute. Inému by to možno vyhovovalo.
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Verified Purchase
1 out of 5 stars 1 / 5
Eva 6 years ago
Extremely Good
Great in every way!
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Super ve všech směrech!
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Eva 6 years ago
Extremely Good
Max.satisfaction. Both with the product and with trade and services. Thanks! I'm already choosing another flavor. I recommend
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Max.spokojenost. Jak s výrobkem, tak s obchodem a službami. Diky! Už vybírám další příchuť. Doporučuji