Ján  29 days ago
Extremely Good
I've only been using it for a short time, but it seems to be working.
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Užívam ho len krátko, ale zdá sa že účinkuje.
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Verified Purchase
Volodymyr  A month ago
Extremely Good
Het werkt! Vergeet niet dat je ook amega3 voeding en td moet drinken! Voeding en training! Het werkt
Verified Purchase
Dmytro  A month ago
Extremely Good
Very good!
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Sehr gut!
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Verified Purchase
robert  A month ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Jean philippe
Jean philippe  A month ago
Extremely Good
You can feel the effects from the first dose.
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On sent les effets dès la première prise.
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Verified Purchase
Thierry  A month ago
Extremely Good
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Très bien
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Verified Purchase
Klaus  A month ago
After 3 days I can't say anything about it.
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Nach 3 Tagen kann ich dazu noch nichts sagen.
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Verified Purchase
enrico  A month ago
Extremely Good
Hi, sorry but do you make a review on the shipment or on the product? That it was made on time delivered to the right place undamaged package is fine, but personally you have to write how the product is if you were happy if it is working if you have contraindications, if it arrives late it can happen, because the majority write shipment ok or not yet tested. Booh
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Salve,scusate ma fate la recinsioni sulla spedizione o sul prodotto? Che è stata fatta in orario consegnato al posto giusto pacco non danneggiato va bene,ma personalmente dovete scrivere come è il prodotto se vi siete trovati bene se sta facendo effetto se avete controindicazioni,se poi arriva in ritardo può succedere,perché la maggioranza scrive spedizione ok oppure ancora non testato.Booh
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Not verified customer
Carlos  A month ago
Extremely Good
Super effective from the first intake!!
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Super efectivo desde la primera toma !!
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Not verified customer
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