BOGUSLAW  8 years ago
Extremely Good
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Jozef  8 years ago
Extremely Good
I take half a pill a day.
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Užívam polovicu tabletky denne.
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Melinda  9 years ago
Extremely Good
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Robert  10 years ago
Extremely Good
So I don't know how to evaluate this product. In some cases, it contains up to 50 times the recommended daily dose of a certain vitamin ... when I started taking it, after a few hours I noticed in my eyes that I had too much phosphorus yellow. Kamos told me that he had a similar experience with Bkomplex, and this product contains a lot of Bck ... now I take half a pill a day, preventively so that I don't just pee a lot of vitamins in the toilet ... This product contains a lot of vitamins and I really have no idea how much of that the body can use.
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Tak neviem ako tento produkt hodnotit. V niektorych pripadoch obsahuje az 50 nasobok doporucanej dennej davky urciteho vitaminu... ked som ho zacal uzivat, po par hodinach som si na vecku vsimol, ze mam forsforovo zlty moc. Kamos mi povedal, ze mal podobnu skusenost s Bkomplexom, a tento produkt obsahuje fakt vela Bcka... teraz uzivam polovicu tabletky denne, preventivne, aby som velku cast vitaminov iba nevycural do zachoda... Tento produkt obsahuje veeelmi vela vitaminov a naozaj netusim, kolko z toho dokaze telo vyuzit.
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Peter  10 years ago
Very Good
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Ján  10 years ago
Extremely Good
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Martn  10 years ago
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TOMAS  10 years ago
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Marcel  10 years ago
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