A little sweeter taste than I expected, but it still tastes good, so I'm satisfied
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Trochu sladšia chuť ako som čakal ale aj napriek tomu chutí, takže som spokojný
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Michal 8 months ago
Extremely Good
I don't care much for flavors, I've tried several brands, but this flavor is definitely the best protein I've ever had, and I already know that I'll buy another one after I'm done.
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Neriesim moc prichute, vyskusal som uz viacej znaciek, ale tato prichut je jednoznacne najlepsia co som kedy aky protein mal a uz teraz viem, ze si kupim dalsi po dobrati.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Chocolate fudge brownie
Ondřej 8 months ago
Extremely Good
It tastes great.
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Chuťově pecka.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Chocolate fudge brownie
Rastislav 8 months ago
Extremely Good
proven classic (that is, for me). I always try new proteins, but I always have this one in reserve. this one is not tired yet
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overena klasika (teda pre mna) . stale skusam nove proteiny, ale tento mam stale v rezerve. tento este neomrzel