It dissolves well, and the effect is really good, I feel pleasantly relaxed after using it, I wake up refreshed
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Dobre sa rozpúšťa,a účinok je ozaj naozaj dobrý,prijemne sa oddychuje po užití, po spani vstávam oddýchnutý
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Judita 6 months ago
Extremely Good
So far, we have had the product for a short time, but it seems to be helping well because I slept better after it. We will see after a longer time, since my husband and I both use it.
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Zatiaľ máme produkt krátko ale zrejme pomáha dobre lebo spalo sa po ňom lepšie.Uvidíme po dlhšej dobe keďže ho užívame s manželom obaja.
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Verified Purchase
Dana 6 months ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Mária 6 months ago
Extremely Good
I just started using it now, but it's great that it's a powder, it dissolves quickly and tastes great.
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Len teraz som ho začala užívať ale je super,že je to prášok rýchlo sa rozpustí a výborne chutí.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Juraj 8 months ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
peter 9 months ago
Extremely Good
well absorbed, I take it for a long time
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dobre vstrebaťelný beriem dlhodobo
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Verified Purchase
Martina 9 months ago
Extremely Good
This magnesium saved my life. He pulled me out of panic attacks and anxiety. Thank you so much !
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Tenhle hořčík mi zachránil život. Vytáhl mne z panických atak a úzkosti. Děkuju moc !