After taking the first dose in the morning on an empty stomach, nausea, feeling hot, sweating. About 5 pm dizziness, vomiting. 17:30 collapse, transport to hospital, infusion. Subsequent adjustment of the state to normal. I have 41 packages left, I will sell for half price.
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Po užitý prvej dávky ráno na lačno, nevolno od žalúdka, pocit tepla, potenie. O 17h točenie hlavy, zvracanie. 17:30 kolaps, prevoz do nemocnice, infúzia. Následné upravenie stavu do normálu. Zostalo mi 41balíčkov, predám za polovičnú cenu.
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Ľudmila 9 years ago
Extremely Good
I tried a lot of preparations, I am one of the active athletes, as written in the description, finally my body got what it needs, it does not retain water - which was a major problem in weight loss and drawing. In the beginning, my body needed to get used to the strength of the preparation, I recommend ....
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Vyskusala som vela pripravkov, patrim medzi aktivnych sportovcov,tak ako je napisane v popise, konecne moje telo dostalo to,co potrebuje,nezadrziava vodu-co bol hl.problem pri chudnuti a rysovacke. Na zaciatku si moje telo potrebovalo zvyknut na silu pripravku, odporucam... .
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Verified Purchase
Marek 9 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Zlatica 9 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Bruno 9 years ago
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Karol 9 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Peter 9 years ago
- vela tabliet na prehltanie a dlha doba dodania ,inak celkom fajn