Patrik  3 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Linda  4 years ago
Extremely Good
Super gloves
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Super rukavice
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Tomáš  4 years ago
Very Good
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Pavel  5 years ago
Extremely Good
I have been using these gloves for several years and I can rate them as the best I have had. Comfortable, solid, great to hold tools. They have no mistake. I highly recommend
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Tieto rukavice používam už niekoľko rokov a môžem ich ohodnotiť asi ako najlepšie čo som mal. Pohodlné, pevné, super sa v nich drží náradie. Nemajú chybu. Vrelo odporúčam
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Peter  5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Jan  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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Ján  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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Juraj  5 years ago
Extremely Good
I consider professional fitness gloves to be the best prevention of prolonged painful damage to the wrist and hand during the strength part of the exercise. In terms of ergonomics, in my long-term experience with various brands of gloves, I consider them to be the top and I do not understand the opinion of one "professional" evaluator, who attributed shortcomings to these gloves, which are rather beneficial in their use.
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Profi fitness rukavice považujem pri silovej časti cvičení za najlepšiu prevenciu zdĺhavého bolestivého poškodenia zápästia a ruky. Z hľadiska ergonómie pri mojich dlhodobých skúsenostiach s rôznymi značkami rukavíc ich považujem za špicu a nechápem názor jedného "profi" hodnotiteľa, ktorý týmto rukaviciam pripisoval nedostatky, ktoré sú skôr prínosom pri ich používaní.
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Nadežda  6 years ago
Extremely Good
Really good gloves
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Naozaj dobre rukavice
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