5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)
Jana 4 years ago
Extremely Good
I expected a better flavor, taste than classic chocolate protein
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Čakala som lepšiu príchuť, chuti ako klasicky čokoládový proteín
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Verified Purchase
3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)
Gabriel 4 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)
pavel 4 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)
Lenka 5 years ago
Bilkoviny will do its part in it, but it doesn't occur to me that it tastes like Snickers, the taste of caramel is too strong. That disappointed me a bit, I bought my favorite sticks because of the taste;)
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Bilkoviny v něm svoje udělají, ale nepřijde mi, že by chutnal vyloženě jako Snickers, chuť karamelu je až moc silná. To mě trochu zklamalo, kupovala jsem kvůli chuti oblíbené tyčinky ;)
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Verified Purchase
2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)
Vratislav 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Excellent taste, good solubility and in addition satiate
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Výborná chuť, dobrá rozpustnost a navíc zasytí
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Snickers (chocolate-caramel-peanut)