Good solubility, no lumps. The taste is good with milk and water for porridge too. I was afraid that the dose would be too sweet, but it is normal. But everyone has an idea of the taste, so it is individual.
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Dobrá rozpustnost, žiadne hrudky. Chuť je fajn aj s mliekom aj s vodou do kaše tiež. Bál som sa aby dávka nebola príliš sladká ale je to v norme. Ale každý má nejakú predstavu o chuti , tak to je individuálne.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Double rich chocolate
Davor A month ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Double rich chocolate
Gabriele 2 months ago
Extremely Good
Chocolate mint is my favorite! It tastes really delicious and the powder dissolves well. I take a shake before and after training and my muscles recover very quickly. Plus, it's delivered quickly, so I'd order it again any time.
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Schokominze ist mein Favorit! Das schmeckt super lecker und das Pulver löst sich auch gut auf. Ich nehme einen Shake vor dem Training und einen danach und meine Muskeln regenerieren sich sehr schnell. Außerdem besteht eine schnelle Lieferung und daher, jederzeit wieder.