At first I liked the strawberry, but over time I got tired very quickly. I would not recommend the flavor
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Nejdřív mi jahoda chutnala ale časem velice rychle omrzela. Příchuť bych nedoporučil
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Not verified customer
1 out of 5 stars 1 / 5
Kateřina 3 years ago
Extremely Good
very good taste :)
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chuťově moc dobrý :)
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Ivana 3 years ago
Very Good
The protein dissolves beautifully, does not leave citis powder. It is very sweet to my taste more than needed. strong taste of sweeteners but this is a problem of all proteins. due to the fact that it is a protein that tastes good, I compare it to a cheaper granule, but it is above average in taste.
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Protein se krásne rozpousti, nezustava citis prášek. Je hodně sladký na můj vkus více než je potreba. výrazná pachuť sladidel ale to je problem vsech proteinů. na to ze je to protein chutná dobře, prirovnavam k levnejsimu granku ale oproti ostatním je chuťově nadprůměrný.
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Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Lucia 3 years ago
Extremely Good
After a very long time, I ordered chocolate protein. So far, I've always chosen the "vanilla" variant, so I'm a little used to a new flavor. But I rate the product very well, it is pleasant and, most importantly, easy to process - no lumps are formed and this is the MOST IMPORTANT criterion for me. There is nothing to discuss about the composition, otherwise I wouldn't even order it.
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Po veľmi dlhej dobe som si objednala čokoládový protein. Doteraz som vždy volila len variantu "vanilka", takže som si trošku zvykala na novú príchuť. Ale hodnotím produkt veľmi dobre, je príjemný a hlavne ľahko spracovateľný - žiadny hrčky sa nevytvárajú a to je pre mňa NAJDOLEZITEJSIE kritériu . O zložení nie je čo diskutovať, inak by som si ho ani neobjednala.