Well soluble, I am pleasantly surprised, I will try other flavors as well
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Dobre rozpustny, som milo prekvapeny, vyskusam aj ine prichute
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Rich chocolate
Adela 11 months ago
Extremely Good
One of the best proteins in terms of price/composition/quality/taste. Of course, other proteins have a better composition, but this price is unbeatable! Especially when you use it twice a day. For me, the coconut flavor is top.
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Jeden z najlepších proteínov v pomere cena/zloženie /kvalita /chuť. Iné proteíny majú samozrejme aj lepšie zloženie, ale táto cena je bezkonkurenčná! Najmä, keď ho užívate 2x denne. Za mňa príchuť kokos top.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Michal 11 months ago
Extremely Good
Quality and affordable protein. The coconut flavor is not as sweet as other flavors of this protein I've tried - which is fine with me.
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Kvalitný a cenovo dostupný protein. Príchuť kokos nie je taká sladká, ako iné príchute tohto proteinu, ktoré som skúsil - čo mi vyhovuje.