In my opinion, the recommended dosage is excessive if you drink more milk with protein, but otherwise it is a great supplement.
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odporucane davkovanie je podla mna prehnane pokial pijete viac mlieka s proteinom ale inak je to vyborny doplnok
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Verified Purchase
Marek 10 years ago
Very Good
An excellent supplement at a reasonable price ... you just need to pay attention to the amount of calcium, which in three tablets contains the recommended daily amount of 1000 mg. so if you drink a lot of milk (1l. = about 1200mg of calcium), I would rather take 1 or 2 tablets.
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vyborny doplnok za rozumnu cenu...len si treba davat pozor na mnozstvo vapnika ktore v troch tabletach obsahuje odporucane denne mnozstvo 1000 mg. teda pokial pijete vela mlieka (1l.= cca 1200mg vapnika), radsej by som uzival 1 alebo 2 tablety.