It's a good brodukt, I have it sowing me in the morning and in the evening and therefore I don't have dinner. beef or chicken with fresh vegetables.I highly recommend this product takes me 24H a day.
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Je to dobrý brodukt dávam si ho ráno aj večer zasíti ma a tým pádom nevečeriam schudol som 16 kg zo 130 na 114,ale všetko je to o strave keď som hladný tak dzobnem 10 dkg niečoho buď syru,alebo balenú slaninu na obed stejk či už hovedzí,alebo kurací s čerstvou zeleninou.Vrele odporúčam tento produkt mne zaberá 24H denne.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Tomáš 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Tomáš 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Rudolf 5 years ago
Extremely Good
the best casein from my point of view, both in terms of taste and value
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najlepší casein z môjho pohľadu, chuťovo aj hodnotovo