Very tasty vegan protein with great protein building blocks and great fiber. The digestive enzymes are really great.
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Sehr leckeres veganes Protein mit tollen Eiweißbausteinen und tollen Balladtstoffen. Ganz klasse sind die Verdauungsenzyme.
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Petr A year ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Michaela 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Very good tasting protein. I compare it with GB, which are also not bad, but this one is more delicious. And without soy!👏
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Chutovo velmi dobry protein. Porovnavam s GB,ktore tiez nie su zle ale tento je lahodnejsi. A bez soje!👏
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
kevin 2 years ago
Extremely Good
The most delicious vegan protein, it also tasted like whey-eating: D. Too bad the price.
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Najchutnejší vegan proteín, chutil aj mne ako srvátkožravcovi :D. Škoda tej ceny.
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Not verified customer
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Martina 3 years ago
Very Good
Tastes like dessert monte :) vegan protein definitely one of those better in taste
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Chuti ako dezert monte :) vegansky protein rozhodne jeden z tych chutovo lepsich
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Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Alžběta 3 years ago
Extremely Good
Chocolate is the absolute top, I haven't experienced better protein.
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Čokoláda je naprostý top, lepší protein jsem nezažila.
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Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Ing. Stanislav 3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Barevné 4 years ago
Extremely Good
The pistachio / marzipan flavor is absolutely luxurious and perfect. Incredibly strong taste and fine consistency, even after the addition, when the porridge always thickens.
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Příchuť pistácie/marcipán, je naprosto luxusní a dokonalá. Neskutečně výrazná chuť a jemná konzistence a to i po přidání psylila, kdy mi vždy kaše zhoustne.