I bought this product for the purpose of dropping a few kilos before the summer. .. after taking the second and each subsequent dose, I did not feel anything at all .. I took the product for 2 weeks exactly as recommended, since I did not feel absolutely any changes, so I stopped taking it as many tablets a day without the effect, I felt unnecessary. I train 4x a week 3x crossfit and 1 weightlifting .. in 2 weeks I lost about 1-1.5kg which I would probably lose even if I did not enjoy it .. in January I enjoyed the MX LS7 from the isatori and it was incomparably better .. zial currently no longer available anywhere ..
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Tento produkt som si kupil za ucelom zhodenia este par kil pred letom.. Produkt som si vybral na zaklade hodnoteni aj na zahranicnych forach, po uziti prvej davky som citil ze sa s telom nieco deje, co bolo dobre znamenie ale zial to bolo vsetko... po uziti druhej a kazdej dalsej davky som nepocitoval vobec nic.. produkt som uzival 2 tyzdne presne podla odporucani,, kedze som nepocitoval absolutne ziadne zmeny tak som to vysadil nakolko uzivat 18 tabliet denne bez efektu mi prislo zbytocne. cvicim 4x do tyzdna 3x crossfit a 1 vzpieranie.. za 2 tyzdne som schudol asi 1-1.5kg ktore by som pravdepodobne schudol aj keby ze to neuzivam.. v januari som uzival MX LS7 od isatori a to bolo neporovnatelne lepsie.. zial momentalne uz nieje nikde dostupny..
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Verified Purchase
Linda 7 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Marek 7 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Juraj 8 years ago
Extremely Good
Excellent product
No side effects
Excellent results
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Vynikajúci produkt
Bez vedľajších príznakov
Výborné výsledky
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Verified Purchase
Ľubomír 8 years ago
Verified Purchase
Adrián 8 years ago
Verified Purchase
Barbora 8 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Samuel 9 years ago
Each dose contains 9 tablets (or how many) and they need one at a time, which is extremely impractical. In addition, it was difficult for me to take more doses. Not entirely bad, but if you can at least hear your body a little after training, you will learn when you look at it and this was the case. I felt uneasy, had disgustingly colored power, and was dehydrated despite increased fluid intake. You'd better run twice a week for 30 minutes and you'll get the same results.
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Kazda davka obsahuje 9 tabliet (ci kolko) a treba ich po jednej jest oc je maximalne neprakticke. Okrem toho mi mi uziti viacerych davok zacalo byt tazko. Nie uplne zle, ale ak aspon trosku pocuvate svoje telo po treningu, naucite sa ked to obras prezeniete a toto bol ten pripad. Citil som sa nesvoj, mal som nechutne sfarbeny moc a bol som dehydrovany aj napriek zvysenemu prijmu tekutin. Radsej si 2x tyzdenne po 30 minut zabehajte a budete mat rovnake vysledky.