Lukáš  3 years ago
Extremely Good
it may be supportive prevention against Covid ... an anti-inflammatory thing..and against free radicals, so against cancer
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je to možná podprůrná prevence proti Covidu... protizánětlivá věc..a proti volným radikálům, takže proti rakovině
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viera  4 years ago
Extremely Good
great for long-term treatment of ATB
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super pri dlhotrvajucej liecbe ATB
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Tatiana  4 years ago
Extremely Good
Very satisfied.
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Veľmi spokojná.
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Irma  4 years ago
Extremely Good
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Tatiana  4 years ago
Extremely Good
Very satisfied.
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Tvelmi spokojná.
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viera  4 years ago
My hepatic tests - detox during my long-term ATB treatment - have improved
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Zlepsili sa mi hepatalne testy - detox pri dlhodobej ATB liecbe
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Milan  4 years ago
I don't know what to evaluate here, because I don't know how to test the removed toxins. But maybe only farts are terrible: D is that it? : D: D
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neviem co tu hodnotit, kedze neviem ako otestovat odstranene toxiny. No mozno iba prdy su strasne :D to je ono? :D :D
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Vaclav  4 years ago
Not Bad
In December 2019, the NAC was reduced from 500mg to 150mg in one tablet for the same price - an effective 3.3x price increase
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V Prosinci 2019 doslo ke snizeni latky NAC z 500mg na 150mg v jedne tablete za stejnou cenu - efektivni 3.3x navyseni ceny
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Elitsa  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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