Erika  2 years ago
Very Good
Taste also sweet enough, I would welcome a softer taste
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Chuťovo tiež dosť sladké privítala by som jemnejšiu chuť
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Cherry-yogurt
Lachim  2 years ago
Extremely Good
This price ratio product is quite good tasty and does not make crumbs
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Tento produkt v pomeru cene je dosť dobrý chutný a nerobia sa hrutky
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Not verified customer
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Chocolate
Jan  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Chocolate
Kristína  3 years ago
Very Good
To the porridge It's good, I don't make drinks
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Do kaše Je dobrý,nápoje si nerobím
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 White chocolate-pineapple
Emma  3 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Chocolate
Pavol  4 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Chocolate
Bianka  4 years ago
- soybeans ..
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- sojovy..
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Verified Purchase
  • 3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5 White chocolate-pineapple
Ivan  4 years ago
For that price, I would expect a better taste.
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Za tú cenu by som čakal lepšiu chuť.
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Verified Purchase
  • 2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5 White chocolate-pineapple
Zuzana  4 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 White chocolate-pineapple
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