Jiřina  6 months ago
Very Good
I don't take that long to write.
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Neužívám tak dlouho, abych se rozepisovala.
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Nikolas  6 months ago
Extremely Good
Not verified customer
michal  6 months ago
Extremely Good
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Miroslav  6 months ago
Extremely Good
100% functional nutrition for joints, tendons, ligaments... I do sports climbing and will definitely order it next time... It regenerates and prevents excessive fatigue of fingers and shoulders... But what... It needs to be dried. Great for me.
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100%funkčná výživa pre kĺby, šľachy, vezivo.. Venujem sa športovému lezeniu a určite si ho objednám aj nabudúce... Regeneruje a zamedzuje nadmernej únave prstov, ramien.... Ale čo.. Treba to vysušiť. Za mňa paráda.
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Marián  6 months ago
Extremely Good
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Vladimír  6 months ago
Extremely Good
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Anna  7 months ago
Extremely Good
Užívam pravidelne a odvtedy nemám problem s kĺbmi 💪
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Užívam pravidelne a odvtedy nemám problémy s kĺbmi 💪
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Verified Purchase
Martin  8 months ago
Extremely Good
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Michal  11 months ago
Extremely Good
I already knew this product and I am glad to have that.
Verified Purchase
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