Philipp  A month ago
Very Good
Banoffee is very tasty. It really tastes like banana with caramel/toffee. Coconut tastes like coconut, you can't go wrong with it if you like coconut. Vanilla doesn't really taste like vanilla, I thought, I wouldn't buy it again. All the flavors are naturally very sweet, but I mix it with neutral soy protein. Consistency is classic soy: thick, creamy, don't expect too much.
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Banoffee ist ganz lecker. Schmeckt halt wirklich wie Banane mit Karamell/Toffee. Kokusnuss schmeckt wie Kokusnuss, macht man nichts falsch mit, wenn man Kokos mag. Vanille schmeckt nicht wirklich nach Vanille fand ich, würde ich nicht nochmal kaufen. Alle Geschmäcker sind natürlich sehr süß, aber ich misch das mit neutralem Sojaprotein. Konsistenz klassisch Soja-mäßig: Dick, sämig, darf man nicht zu viel erwarten.
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Verified Purchase
  • 2 out of 5 stars 2 / 5 Vanilla
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Coconut
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Banoffee
Martin  A month ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Martina  2 months ago
Extremely Good
I mix with Magnesia. It doesn't taste like coconut to me, more like a banana with vanilla, but still tasty and light.
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Miešam s Magnesiou. Nechutí mi to ako kokos, skôr nejaký banán s vanilkou, ale aj tak chutný a ľahký.
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  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Coconut
Sören  2 months ago
Extremely Good
I've tried a few and I have to say that this is the best in terms of tolerability. I hope it stays that way. The taste is also great, many may see it differently, but that's my opinion. I'll order it again! The price is OK too. Of course it would be even more interesting with a discount 😎😜
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Ich hatte schon einige probiert und muss sagen von der Verträglichkeit ist das am besten. Hoffe es bleibt auch so. Der Geschmack ist auch Top, viele mögen es anders sehen, geh aber von mir persönlich aus. Werde es auch wieder bestellen! Preis ist auch ok. Klar wäre mit Rabatt noch interessanter 😎😜
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Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Chocolate smooth
Bettina  2 months ago
Very Good
In terms of taste, it is the best vegan protein powder for me. However, it is very powdery and the counter gets dusty when I prepare it. I usually drink my shake stirred into my coffee, but in the hot water there was no taste of vanilla anymore. I now stir it into my muesli
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Geschmacklich das beste, vegane Proteinpulver für mich. Allerdings ist es sehr pudrig und verstaubt mir beim Zubereiten die Theke. Normalerweise trinke ich meinen Shake in den Kaffee gerührt, doch im heißem Wasser schmeckte nichts mehr nach Vanille. Ich rühre es nun in mein Müsli
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Vanilla
Kristina  2 months ago
Very Good
It's terribly thick, it's like pudding. The taste is good.
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Strašne je hustý, je to ako puding. Chut dobrá.
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Chocolate
Heinrich  2 months ago
Extremely Good
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Natural strawberry
Johny  2 months ago
Extremely Good
Excellent soy protein. I like it very much. I had Sunwarior, which is three times as expensive, but I didn't gain weight from it. This one is taking me. For me, it still tastes great...
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Vyborny soy protein. mne velmi chuti. Mal som Sunwarior, ten je tri krat tak drahy, ale z toho som nepriberal. Tento mi zabera. Za mna super chut aj ostane...
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Chocolate
Asim  2 months ago
Very Good
Too sweet
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Zu süß
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Chocolate smooth
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