Lucia  9 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Ivan  9 years ago
Very Good
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Zdenko  9 years ago
Since I managed to open the cap only once in two weeks (no instructions), I can't judge.
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Keďže sa mi uzáver podarilo za dva týždne iba raz otvoriť (chýba návod) neviem posúdiť.
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Peter  9 years ago
Very Good
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TOMAS  10 years ago
Everything is fine, just the photo is misleading because the guarana is 2400mg and you sent me a 900mg guarana for that I ordered it from you that you have 2400 milligrams. There is not even a detailed composition of the product on the site and there would clearly be how much it contains.
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Vsetko je v poriadku len fotografia je zavadzajuca lebo je nanej guarana 2400mg a vy ste mi poslali guaranu 900mg za to som si ju objednal u vas ze ju mate 2400 miligramovu . Na stranke nie je ani podrobne zlozenie produktu a tam by to bolo jasne kolko coho ubsahuje .
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milo  10 years ago
Verified Purchase
Kevin  10 years ago
It's pretty good I didn't believe it but it should be tried :)
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Je to celkom dobre neveril som tomu ale treba skusit :)
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Erik  11 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase