Milos  7 years ago
Extremely Good
Larger tablets, but can be used. They suit me more than a system of 8 or more tablets from the competition. I take one a day, just to supplement the vitamins and minerals that I normally eat with my diet.
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Väčšie tablety, ale dá sa zvyknúť. Vyhovujú mi viac, ako systému 8 a viac tabliet od konkurencie. Beriem jednu denne, len na doplnenie vitaminov a minerálov, ktoré prijímam normálne stravou.
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Radoslav  7 years ago
Extremely Good
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Ľubomír  7 years ago
Extremely Good
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Jakub  8 years ago
Extremely Good
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Roman  8 years ago
Very Good
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Peter  8 years ago
Extremely Good
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Angelika  9 years ago
Very Good
I can not complain. :) satisfaction, I also have better skin :)
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Nemôžem sa sťažovať. :) spokojnosť, mám aj lepšiu pleť :)
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Martin  9 years ago
Very Good
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zoltan  9 years ago
it's a thing that helps me so I hope that I also highly recommend it to others..greet zolinoboys nitra 2015
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je to vec ktora pomaha mne tak dufam ze aj ostatnym vrele doporucujem..pozdravom zolinoboys nitra 2015
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