Veronika  2 years ago
Extremely Good
Satisfied, a friend recommended it to me
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Spokojená,doporučil mi to kamarád
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Milan  2 years ago
Not Bad
I don't know yet it's early !!! Rate!!!
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Zatím nevím je to brzy!!! Hodnotit!!!
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Lenka  2 years ago
Extremely Good
We have been using Alavis with my husband for many years. We both strengthen a lot in the gym, which puts strain on the tendons and joints, and Alavis helps us keep them fit and healthy. I can only recommend.
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Alavis užíváme s manželem už mnoho let, Oba dost posilujeme ve fitku, což zatěžuje šlachy i klouby a Alavis nám pomáhá udržovat je v kondici a zdravé. Můžu jen doporučit.
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Petr  2 years ago
Extremely Good
In fourteen days, I have been suffering from knee pain that has plagued me for quite some time. So great 👍
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Za čtrnáct dní mám po bolesti kolen, které mě trápili už dost dlouho. Takže super 👍
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Martin  2 years ago
Extremely Good
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Jaroslava  2 years ago
Extremely Good
I've been using it for a long time, the vet recommended it to me and I have great experience, it really works
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používám ho již delší dobu,doporučil mi ho veterinář a mám skvělé zkušenosti, opravdu funguje
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Jiří  2 years ago
Extremely Good
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Ivo  2 years ago
Very Good
It really works with regular use
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Při pravidelném užívání opravdu funguje
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Tomáš  2 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
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