- The taste of chocolate is perfect, it tastes like Granko
- As a colleague writes below, solubility is almost impossible ... the powder is very sticky and lumps. It is impossible to mix by hand in the shaker, it either sticks to the bottom or to the top of the shaker, which causes difficult shaker cleaning. The only option is to use a blender and then it's OK
- I had a headache, I stopped using it after a week, so I don't know ...
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- Príchuť čokoláda je perfektná, chutí ako Granko
- Ako píše kolega nižšie, rozpustnosť je takmer nemožná...prášok je strašne lepivý a hrudkuje. Ručne v šejkri rozmiešať je nemožné, buď sa nalepí na dno, alebo na vršok šejkru, čo spôsobuje zložité čistenie šejkra. Jediná možnosť je použiť mixér a vtedy je to OK
- Bolela ma po ňom hlava, po týždni som ho prestal užívať, tak neviem...
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Anneli 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Anneli 5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Jakub 6 years ago
Not Bad
The only thing that's good about this is the flavor. After opening, the pig looks sticky and is also a reality. Scattering this product is an art. Virtually the only use is an electric mixer.
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Jedine co je na tomto dobre je prichut. Uz po otvoreni vyzera byt prasok lepkavy a je taky aj v skutocnosti. Rozmiesat tento vyrobok je umenie. Prakticky jedina moznost pouzitia je elektricky mixer.