It is one of the strongest anchors, it is very beneficial to the body, it gives a clear mind, and it stimulates the hormone testosterone, but it never gives you more hormone than your body can produce, there are already other products, reviews are satisfied
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jedna se o jeden nejsilnejsi kotvicnik,je velmi blahodarny telu,do da cistou mysl,a stimuluje hormon testosteronu,ale nikdy vám nedá víc hormonu nez dokaze vase telo vyprodukovat,na to uz jsou jine produkty,hodnocení spokojen
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Verified Purchase
Miroslav 9 years ago
The strength went slightly up, but otherwise at a dosage of 3 tablets. - 6g a day I would expect more. However, what can be expected from a product that no one knows about, the manufacturer does not state the percentage of saponins, so I assume something ground and ground together. And so often the much-vaunted increase in libido? Well, I don't know ... But basically everything is in my head, so the placebo effect works here and there.
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Sila išla mierne hore, ale inak pri dávkovaní 3 tbl. - 6g denne by som čakal viac. Čo však možno čakať od produktu, o ktorom nikto nič nevie, výrobca neudáva percento saponínov, čiže predpokladám niečo rozomleté a zbúchané dohromady. A tak často vychvaľované zvýšenie libida? No neviem... Ale v podstate všetko je v hlave, čiže aj placebo efekt sem-tam funguje.