Pavol  9 years ago
Verified Purchase
Milan  9 years ago
Extremely Good
After a week of use, it helped me, I feel relieved, even though I have a postgraduate coxatrosis 3 degree surgery is on the decline.
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Po tyzdni uzivania mi pomohol , pocitujem ulavu , aj ked mam pourazovu koxatrozu 3 stupna operacia je na spadnutie.
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Wild berry
Alena  10 years ago
Extremely Good
Personally, I was to take over the product and I was interested in other products related to the nutrition of joints and cartilage, so I asked the seller to advise me, as there are a lot of them. his answer surprised me, to put it mildly, he knows nothing because he just sells here. Really a salesman with well-developed muscles, but brain capacity ?!
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Osobne som si bola prevziať výrobok a zaujali ma ďalšie produkty týkajúce sa výživy kľbov a chrupaviek, tak som požiadala predavača aby mi poradil, keďže ich je fakt veľké množstvo. jeho odpoveď ma prekvapila, mierne povedané, on nič nevie, lebo on tu len predáva. Skutočne predavač s dobre vyvinutým svalstvom, ale mozgová kapacita ?!
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Wild berry
Adam  10 years ago
Extremely Good
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  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Wild berry
Rastislav  10 years ago
Extremely Good
very sweet but the effect is great I have it twice already
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moc sladké ale účinok je super mam ho už 2x
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  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Wild berry
Lukas  10 years ago
Very Good
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Wild berry
Rastislav  10 years ago
Very Good
after a month of use I can say that it helped..and the taste is quite sweet and sour but it is possible
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po mesiaci uzivania mozem povedat ze pomohlo..a prichut dost sladka aj kysla ale da sa
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Verified Purchase
  • 3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5 Wild berry
Miro  10 years ago
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  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Wild berry
Katarina  10 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
  • 3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5 Wild berry
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