Samuel  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Orange
Patrik  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Blackcurrant
Lukáš  5 years ago
Extremely Good
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  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Bitter lemon
Adrian  5 years ago
Very Good
Who likes it ... I've already tasted Olimp nutrition, Power Bar, Isostar, Kompava, Science in Sports, but Nutrend tastes best to me. Even within Nutrend, only the taste of orange and grapefruit. At least I liked Bitter Lemon and Green Apple, which even swells, which is no win. But I realize that this is how I was very limited in my choice ...
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Komu čo chutí... Ja som už ochutnal Olimp nutrition, Power Bar, Isostar, Kompavu, Science in Sports, ale Nutrend mi chutí najviac. Aj vrámci Nutrendu len príchuť pomaranč a grep. Najmenej mi chutil Bitter Lemon a Zelené jablko, ktoré dokonca nadúva, čo nie je žiadna výhra. Ale uvedomujem si, že takto som sa veľmi obmedzil vo výbere...
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Orange
Adrian  5 years ago
Very Good
Who likes it ... I've already tasted Olimp nutrition, Power Bar, Isostar, Kompava, Science in Sports, but Nutrend tastes best to me. Even within Nutrend, only the taste of orange and grapefruit. I didn't like Bitter Lemon and Green Apple at all, which even swells, which is no win. But I realize that this is how I was very limited in my choice ...
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Komu čo chutí... Ja som už ochutnal Olimp nutrition, Power Bar, Isostar, Kompavu, Science in Sports, ale Nutrend mi chutí najviac. Aj vrámci Nutrendu len príchuť pomaranč a grep. Vôbec mi nechutil Bitter Lemon a Zelené jablko, ktoré dokonca nadúva, čo nie je žiadna výhra. Ale uvedomujem si, že takto som sa veľmi obmedzil vo výbere...
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Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Grapefruit
Jaroslav  5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Bitter lemon
Roman  5 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Orange
Vladislav  5 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
  • 5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5 Blackcurrant
Maros  5 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
  • 4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5 Orange
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