Lukáš  4 years ago
No flavor, it's hard to say, I've been using it for 2 weeks and so far I have no feeling that it would help me in any way. The 700 grams is for about 5 months, I hope that after a month I will feel some result. Vdaka
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Ziadna prichut, tazko pvoedat uzivam ho 2 tyzden a zatial nemam ziaden pocit ze by mi to nejako pomohlo. Tych 700gramov je asi na 5 mesiacov, dufam ze po mesiaci budem pocitovat nejaky vysledok. Vdaka
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martin  4 years ago
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Martin  4 years ago
Extremely Good
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Josef  4 years ago
My subjective assessment is that my old joints are in a slightly better condition than before. I have been using Alavis for about 3 years according to the given rules. Pepanick
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Moje subjektivní hodnocení je, že mám svoje staré klouby v poněkud lepším stavu, než dřív. Alavis užívám podle daných pravidel cca 3 roky. Pepanick
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Patrik  4 years ago
Extremely Good
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Dušan  4 years ago
Extremely Good
I can't judge yet, the taste is bitter, but it can be survived
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Zatím nemůžu hodnotit, chuť je hořká, ale dá se to přežít
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Karel  4 years ago
Extremely Good
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