Great effect, great price and the taste wasnt as bad as one might expect
Not verified customer
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
andrej 2 years ago
Extremely Good
The best pre-workout I've ever had, I recommend it to everyone 💯
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Najlepší pre-workout aký som kedy mal odporúčam všetkým 💯
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Not verified customer
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Matej 2 years ago
Extremely Good
It fits me really well and works well. It is really strong, so I dose according to the need and intensity of the training. I alternate the flavors, I like both. Cool!
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Neskutočne mi sadla a funguje dobre. Je naozaj silná takže dávkujem podľa potreby a intenzity tréningu. Striedam príchute, obe mi chutia. Super!
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Not verified customer
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Adam 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Richard 2 years ago
Extremely Good
I can write that the product from this brand has pleasantly surprised me. A lot of pumps have passed through my body and I will say that this one has something in it. Percentage on performance 30-40%. I really exceeded my strength limits. Good timing is very important ..
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Môžem napísať ,že produkt od tejto značky má milo prekvapil.Telom mi prešlo veľa púmp a poviem ,že tento má niečo do seba.Percentualne na výkonnosť 30-40%.Naozaj svoje hranice sily som prekonal.Dobre načasovanie je veľmi dôležité..
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5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Jozef 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Timotej 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Martin 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Lots of music for little money, compared to other "kickers" who, for twice the price, are just a flavored multivitamin based on up to lethal doses of caffeine, just to make people think that "Boost's composition is an unexpected surprise."
L-citrulline DL-malate as the basis of the pump, the recommended minimum amount is 6000 mg, which almost reaches, but up to 5 scoops. I'd rather see a 2: 1 ratio. For comparison, the competition is in the range of only 1000-2000 mg, sometimes it does not even contain it.
Beta alanine minimum amount is 5000 mg of active substance, which Boost meets. (hence the itching that bothers someone)
The A-AKG Complex is also sufficient for the average athlete.
I appreciate the creators of Boost that they did not unnecessarily add a full range of vitamins, or creatine, which is better taken alone on a daily basis than just an additional ingredient in digesters. .
As for caffeine, Boost contains a fairly large amount of 358 mg, but it still does not exceed the daily recommended limit of 400 mg.
The creators of Boost obviously knew what they were doing until I was surprised that for a given price they managed to "push" so much there, I would like to see an increase in some substances at the expense of the price of the product. Or at least reduce the amount of caffeine so that when the dosage is exceeded to 5-6 scoops, the optimal amount of excipients is ensured without unnecessary burdening the body with caffeine.
The flavors are such a golden middle, I would welcome less acidity and sweetness.
I will repeat again, but Boost has formulations that do not reach the mainstream kicks that are up to three times the cerium class.
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Za málo peňazí veľa muziky, v porovnaní s inými "nakopávačmi", ktoré za dvojnásobnú cenu sú len ochutený multivitamín založený na až smrteľných dávkach kofeínu, len aby si ľudia mysleli, že to "šlape je Boost zložením nečakaným prekvapením.
L-citrulín DL-malát ako základ pumpy, odporúčané minimálne množstvo je 6000 mg, čo skoro dosahuje, ale až pri 5 odmerkách. Radšej by som videl pomer 2:1. Na porovnanie konkurencia sa pohybuje v intervale len 1000-2000 mg, niekedy ho ani neobsahuje.
Beta alanín minimálne množsvo je 5000 mg účinnej látky, čo Boost spĺňa. (preto to svrbenie, ktoré niekomu prekáža)
A-AKG Komplex je tiež dostatočne postačujúci pre bežného športovca.
Oceňujem tvorcov Boost, že zbytočne nepridávali celé spektrum vitamínov, alebo kreatin, ktorý je lepšie užívať samostatne denne, ako len dodatočná zložku nakopávača.,ale uprednostnili pridanie ďalších látok ako napríklad extrakt z čierneho korenia (Piper nigrum), čo sa málo kde zatiaľ vidí.
Čo sa týka kofeínu Boost obsahuje dosť veľké množstvo 358 mg, ale stále to nepresahuje dennú odporúčanú hranicu 400 mg.
Tvorcovia Boost očividne vedeli čo robia až sa čudujem, že za danú cenu tam toľko dokázali "natlačili", rád by som videl navýšené niektorých látok aj za úkor ceny produktu. Alebo aspoň znížiť množstvo kofeínu, aby pri prekročení dávkovania na 5-6 odmeriek bolo zabezpečené optimálne množstvo podporných látok bez zbytočného zaťažovania tela kofeínom.
Príchute sú taký zlatý stred, uvítal by som menej kyslosti a sladkosti.
Budem sa znova opakovať, ale Boost disponuje zložením, ktoré nedosahujú mainstreamové nakopávače pohybujúce sa až v trojnásobnej cerovej triede.