The composition does not contain gluten, so good, but it is done in a plant that processes gluten, so there may be secondary gluten contamination - which is a risk for allergy sufferers and is not good. It would like something where gluten is 100% eliminated.
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Ve složení neobsahuje sice lepek, takže dobrý, ale je dělán v závodě, který zpracovává lepek, takže tam může být sekundární kontaminace lepkem - což je pro alergika riziko a není to dobré. Chtělo by to něco, kde je lepek vyloučen na 100%.
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Verified Purchase
3 out of 5 stars 3 / 5
Petr 9 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Kryštof 9 years ago
Very Good
The protein does not contain gluten in the composition, but was produced in a plant that processes raw materials with gluten.
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Protein neobsahuje lepek ve složení, ale byl vyroben v závodě, který zpracovává suroviny s lepkem.