Adam  6 years ago
Extremely Good
He fulfilled the purpose for which he was bought, the increase in strength was noticeable, and he was very, very satisfied.
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Splnil účel na ktorý bol kupovaný, nárast sily citelný, velmi velmi velká spokojnosť.
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Tomáš  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Matúš  6 years ago
Extremely Good
So far only the third week of use, but great. But, of course, like all supplements, it's expensive candy without a good diet and proper training.
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Zatiaľ len tretí týždeň užívania, ale super. Ale, samozrejme ako všetky suplementy, je to bez kvalitnej stravy a poriadneho tréningu drahý cukrík.
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Monika  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Michal  6 years ago
Extremely Good
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Mike  7 years ago
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Marián  7 years ago
Extremely Good
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Štefan  7 years ago
Extremely Good
The best asshole. Increase in strength. Great.
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Najlepší kretín. Nárast sily. Super.
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Miloš  7 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
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