It is not sour like unflavored citrulline, but it is very tasty. It's a shame that it is only drunk before training and not all the time :))
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Nie je kyslý ako neochutený citrulín, ale je veľmi chutný. Škoda, že sa pije len pred tréningom a nie stále :))
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Verified Purchase
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Ing. Ladislav 8 months ago
Extremely Good
great product, great taste and excellent effectiveness, you need to give 6g / 2 scoops in the morning and 6g again before training. every day. perfect energy and concentration for training
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super produkt, skvela chut a vyborna ucinost, treba dat rano 6g /2odmerky a pred trenigom znova 6g. kazdy den. perfektna energia a sustredenost na trening
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Not verified customer
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Peach iced tea
tomas 9 months ago
Very Good
super solubility, no dust aftertaste, so excellent for me
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super rozpustnost, ziadna prachova pachut takze za mna vyborne