Top, I can only recommend, I no longer have a problem swallowing the whole package at once.
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Top, mozem len odporucit, nemam uz problem cely balik prehltnut na jeden krat.
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Not verified customer
Ferenc 2 years ago
Extremely Good
Verified Purchase
Marek 3 years ago
Extremely Good
Super vitamin combo. When I started playing sports again after the break, most of the first trainings caused me to get sick in a short time .... Ever since I took a treatment with these vitamins after such a break, it never happened to me + I feel much better ....
The only downside is the fact that someone may have a problem with the size of some tablets.
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Super kombo vitamínov. Keď som po prestávke začínal opäť športovať väčšinou mi prvé tréningy spôsobili to, že som za krátku dobu ochorel.... Odkedy po takejto prestávke nasadím kúru s týmito vitamínmi tak sa mi to nikdy nestalo+ sa cítim oveľa lepšie ....
Jediná nevýhoda je fakt to že niekto môže mať problém s veľkosťou niektorých tabliet.
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Verified Purchase
Róbert 3 years ago
Extremely Good
In my opinion, this is the best package of vitamins on the market. There are 7 pills, but after a while you will get used to it and you can take several at once.
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Podľa mňa ide o najlepší balíček vitamínov na trhu. Je tam síce 7 tabletiek, no po čase si zvykneš a v pohode si dáš viacero naraz.