Really effective amino acid for regeneration and peaceful sleep and rest, I had a problem after intense training, or after some sleep stimulants, trypthophan can solve it as one of the few things is effective .... and there is nothing horizen after a good workout night.
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Fakt účinná aminokiselina na regeneráciu a pokojný spánok a oddych , mával som problém po intenzívnych tréningoch, pripadne po nejakych stimulantoch zo spánkom, trypthophan to dokaze vyriešit, ako jedna z mala veci je ucinny.... a nieje nic horise ako po kvalitnom treningu prebdena noc.
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Verified Purchase
Richard 9 years ago
Very Good
Verified Purchase
Ján 9 years ago
Very Good
This product helps me solve the problems with melatonin and serotonin deficiency for which I take it.
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Tento produkt mi pomáha riešiť problémy s nedostatkom melatoninu a serotoninu pre ktory ho beriem.