I kicked it in at about 19:00 until 1:00. I couldn't fall asleep because I got up at 5. Difficult morning, terrible training. I recommend
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Kopol som to do seba cca o 19:00 do 1:00 som nevedel zaspat pricom do roboty som vstaval o 5. Tazke rano, uzasny trening. Odporucam
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Not verified customer
5 out of 5 stars 5 / 5
Cola with lemon
Barevné 2 years ago
Very Good
Cherry- Slightly artificial taste, but quite sweet and good tasting.
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Cherry- Malinko umělá chuť, ale doost sladké a chuťově dobré.
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Not verified customer
4 out of 5 stars 4 / 5
Sour cherry
Martin 2 years ago
Very Good
It will pleasantly increase blood flow to the muscles and enable more repetitions with the same weight. Apparently thanks to the fact that it contains a lower dose of caffeine supplemented with tea extract, there was no problem with sleep as with some caffeine bombs. I appreciate the high dose of amino acids, but the creaine could have been more. The weakest part is the flavors. I went according to the rating and surprisingly the least disgusting was the least rated orange.
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Prijemne zvysi prekrvenie svalov a umozni viac opakovani pri tej istej vahe. Zrejme vdaka tomu ze je v nom nizsia davka kofeinu doplnena o extrakt z caju nebol problem so spankom ako pri niektorych kofeinovych bombach. Ocenujem vysku davky aminokyselin, ale kreainu mohlo byt viac. Najslabsia cast su prichute. Isiel som podla hodnoteni a najmenej hnusna bol prekvapivo najmenej ocenovany pomaranc.