Lose Weight
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Basic rules to help you lose weight

Weight loss training should focus on maximizing energy expenditure. Full body training combined with cardio will provide the right stimulus and maximize energy expenditure the body needs to lose weight, to be stronger and healthier. It is recommended to give priority to the complex (multi-joint) exercises. Circular, interval or crossfit trainings are very beneficial. You should train at least 2-3 times a week.

The diet must be in caloric deficit which means you should eat fewer calories than you burn. The ideal way is to keep track of calories into the application or tailor-made menus. The food should be rich in protein and should contain a lot of fresh vegetables. Individual portions divided regularly throughout the day, including a sufficient drinking regime. If you are not losing weight it is more than certain that you are not in a caloric deficit.

Nutritional supplements supporting weight loss should mainly help to ensure adequate protein intake, increase energy expenditure, suppress appetite, help to eat less calories e.g. low-calorie dietary replacement or supply energy during training. Supplements helping to burn more fat or prevent the formation of fat, are also very popular. Nutritional supplements should always be selected after dietary adjustments.
- Fat Burners
- Stimulant Free Fat Burners
- Improving Fat Metabolism
- Carbs and Fat Blockers
- Increased Protein Intake
- Meal Replacements
- Healthy and Low-calorie Foods
- Diuretic Water Pills
Fat Burners
Fat burners help to lose weight in a number of ways. They deliver energy, reduce appetite, promote fat burning, accelerate metabolism and body temperature, thanks to which your body may burn more calories during the day.
Stimulant Free Fat Burners
As these supplements do not contain any stimulants (eg caffeine), they can be used at any time of the day. They are ideal for people who are trying to lose weight but are overly sensitive to the effects of stimulants or avoid them for various health / personal reasons.
Improving Fat Metabolism
These products help to make more efficient use of fat as an energy source. In other words, thanks to them, the body burns more fat. The energy gained in this way allows us to train harder and longer.
Carbs and Fat Blockers
Nutritional supplements that help to directly use consumed fats and carbohydrates for energy production, while not being stored in fat stores. The ingested carbohydrates are converted less into fatty acids, remain longer in the blood and are stored more strongly in glycogen stores in the muscles and liver.
Increased Protein Intake
Adequate protein intake during the diet is an important factor in terms of regeneration and protection of muscle mass. In addition, adequate protein intake ensures a feeling of satiety. Proteins also have the highest thermal effect, i.e. energy consumption for their processing by the body.
Meal Replacements
Tasty, low-calorie shakes containing protein, carbohydrates and fiber enriched with a mixture of vitamins and minerals, which are suitable as a comprehensive dietary replacement designed not only for athletes but also ordinary people to control caloric intake. A time-saving and, above all, healthy way to replace one or more meals a day.
Healthy and Low-calorie Foods
Foods that supply the body with the necessary nutrients in the right proportions and from suitable health-friendly raw materials without excess calories. Low-calorie foods such as flavorings and syrups add flavor to prepared meals without increasing calories.
Diuretic Water Pills
Products composed of extracts from plants and micronutrients that help reduce excessive water retention in the body.